As an esthetician, you know that these days your customers are just as concerned over the appearance of their feet as their hands. Today's strappy sandals and fancy flip flops really demand a level of foot maintenance that was not necessary in the past.
If you own a salon, you can't afford to miss out on this important aspect of the market- make sure at least one of your staff gives great "mani-pedis". If you are freelance, then you really need to have this skill on your resume. Either way, you're going to need to advertise these services, so here's a few very attractive business cards that are really worth considering.
Wow- this is a gorgeous manicure / pedicure salon business card. The lime field and bamboo mat give it a tropical flair. The torn edge effect is very unique. Your customers are sure to keep this one around.
Now you know how much time and money women spend to keep their heels smooth. This business card design makes the most of that concern with a beautiful laquered manicure and flawless heel.
This next design features the ultra-feminine lavender and pink color combo that all the girly-girls love. It also has a manicure / pedicure theme that makes it very desirable and likely for your customers to keep. It also features the same bamboo mat shown in the first sample.
Well there it is- 3 smashing designs that will give you an advantage in the competitive and relatively new field of pedicures.