If you think you don't need to have good, quality business cards in your salon / spa / barbershop advertising arsenal, think again.
1) Not everybody hangs out on your side of town. So you can't really depend on folks noticing your salon and remembering where it is, even if it's near a major landmark. But, you can bet they will deviate from their usual routine once they get word or idea that you do a great job.
2) The topic of what you do for a living comes up more often than you think. A casual conversation is a good opportunity for handing over your impressive business card. Keep it handy so there's no awkward digging around for it when the opportunity strikes.
3) Not everyone looks in the yellow pages - internet or paper. Personally, I haven't broken out the old paper YP in about 5 years. It would be my last resort. On the other hand, there are more people that you imagine who would not think to look up something like a salon online. Unless that is your customer base is nothing but hip 20-somethings.
4) Business cards (ahem- the right ones) give you an extra professional edge- but not just to others, but for yourself. Simply put, it's a confidence booster, and an ice breaker.
5) Your competition has business cards- count on that. If you see a trendy looking salon in town and they're doing lots of business, they've got a card and it's probably a good one. Find out what their card looks like and make yours better. You don't have to order lots of them to begin with- just make them reaallly good.